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BotGame API - Documentation


In order to use the API from your game or application, you need to always send your API key as a query var.

Your API key should be kept safe form prying eyes and you should never share your API key with anybody. If your API key is abusive towards the system, it could end up being terminated/banned.

You should always send your query urls via https.

Regenerating API Key

If you think your API key has been jeopardized, you should regenerate a new one. You simply click the ‘Regenerate API Key’ button.

You will need to update your apps and code to reflect the new key as the old one will be disposed of completely and you will not be able to access your account with it.

How to use your API Key

Whenever you send a query to the server, you should start with api_key= followed by your other query vars.


You must perform all queries over https. Queries sent via non-secure transportation will be rejected.

You should read the documentation on API Usage and see Code Examples.